Cortland Christian Academy exists to accurately represent Jesus Christ through a partnership with parents for the spiritual, intellectual and social development of students in a safe and caring school community so that they are equipped to think and act biblically. We endeavor to prepare our students for both their earthly and eternal lives. The school was founded in 1980 and offers pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade in a traditional classroom structure.
CCA is a non-public school and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International.
CCA offers a college preparatory curriculum in our high school with four years of Bible, English, and History required for graduation.
CCA has a fine arts program with choir, orchestra, private instrumental lessons, drama, and art instruction
CCA views sports as an integral part of our overall program. CCA's teams compete in the NYPENN Christian Athletic Conference for soccer and basketball and in the Empire State Christian Athletic League for volleyball.
The 2019-2020 school year marked CCA's 40th anniversary! We are very thankful to the Lord for what he has done!

- Born and raised in Jersey Shore, PA
- Came to faith in Christ at the age of 8 at Walnut Street Baptist Church, Jersey Shore, PA
- Married for 39 years to Janice (Lyon) Miller
- 4 Children:
* Jeffrey Miller, Math/Science Teacher and Athletic Director, Baldwinsville Christian Academy, Baldwinsville, NY
* Darren Miller (Karen), Interim Director of Events and Facilities, Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH
* Larissa Symington (Andrew), UPMC Athletic Trainer, South Fayette Township School District, McDonald, PA
* Kristen Stone (Tyler), Administrative Assistant, Blue Raven Solutions, Morristown, NJ
- BS in Pastoral Studies, Clarks Summit University, 1979
- Graduate Studies Baptist Bible Seminary and Clarks Summit University
- Assistant Director (Seasonal), Camp Bayouca, Smithville Flats, NY, 1979-1985 (Summers)
- Learning Center Supervisor, Grapeville Christian Academy, Climax, NY, Sept 1981-June 1982
- Cortland Christian Academy, Cortland, NY, Sept 1982-Present
- Member, Board of Directors, Camp Bayouca, Smithville Flats, NY, March 2001-April 2019
I have been enriched by the many significant relationships with students, their families, faculty and staff members, and a wide range of colleagues and acquaintances from sister schools that are the result of more than 35 years in this role. I am grateful for all those who have prayed, worked, supported, and sacrificed so that CCA could grow and flourish. It has been fulfilling to see a large number of former students and alumni take active roles by investing themselves in current and future generations of CCA students. It has been my privilege to interact with multiple generations of so many families. I am excited when considering what the Lord has in store for CCA in the future.